Elements: prescriptions from the periodic table. Antimony ; Mercury ; Arsenic ; Radium ; Gold -- The women's health hall of shame -- Plants & soil: nature's gifts. Opiates ; Strychnine ; Tobacco ; Cocaine ; Alcohol ; Earth -- The antidotes hall of shame -- Tools: slicing, dicing, dousing & draining. Bloodletting ; Lobotomy ; Cautery & blistering ; Enemas ; Hydrotherapy ; Surgery ; Anesthesia -- The men's health hall of shame -- Animals: creepy crawlies, corpses, and the healing power of the human body. Leeches ; Cannibalism & corpse medicine ; Animal-derived medicines ; Sex ; Fasting -- The weight loss hall of shame -- Mysterious powers: waves, rays, and curious airs. Electricity ; Animal magnetism ; Light ; Radionics ; The king's touch -- The eye care hall of shame -- The cancer cure hall of shame.