This seventh tale in the Redwall series of animal fantasies features Mariel, a courageous, outspoken mouse. Worried about his daughter Mariel, Joseph the Bellmaker is led by a dream from Redwall Abbey to Southsward, where he is caught up in the battle between Squirrelking Gael and the vicious Foxwolf Nagru. More than four seasons have passed since Mariel the Warriormouse and the rogue mouse, Dandin, set off from Redwall in search of adventure, and Joseph the Bellmaker is worried. Where is his beloved daughter? Joseph's answer comes to him in a dream, and soon he's off, accompanied by theintrepid Finnbarr Galedeep and the brave crew of the good ship, Pearl Queen, to save a kingdom and rescue Mariel. But what's behind the riddle in the dream? Can Joseph guess its meaning and find his daughter before the dreaded Foxwolf, Urgan Nagru, plunders the kingdom of Southsward? Can this be the end of Mariel the Warriormouse?